From Facebook post a friend shared:
If you haven’t heard about this yet, I want to tell you that God is up to something right now in America! A revival has broken out in Kentucky. A revival for the first time in decades in the United States! Not a “planned revival” that a local church happened to schedule for two months from now, but a real revival.
On Wednesday, February 8th a speaker at a chapel service at Asbury University gave a powerful message from God’s Word about love and repentance. Many students were deeply affected by it, and about 30 students kept the meeting going after its scheduled end time. And from there, the Lord moved mightily. More and more students came BACK to the service and by nightfall, the massive auditorium was packed.
The meeting has now continued, literally WITHOUT STOPPING, for 4.5 days. I just check the livestream and there is not an open seat in the place. People are literally standing in the hallways, out the door, and trying to get in.
I’ve read incredible firsthand reports of testimonies of people getting saved and touched by God. A local professor spoke of how he walked over to check out what was happening and for the first ten minutes he was so struck by the presence of God that he wasn’t even sure what was happening, but that he felt he could stay there the rest of his life.
I’ve spent much of the last 3 years reading A LOT of books on revivals, and I can tell you one thing: This is what they look like. The service is simple. No flashing lights, no gimmicks. Just testimonies, God’s Word, prayer, and worship. They don’t even have a band playing right now. Someone just starts singing a song, and the people worship.
Word has it that it’s beginning to spread to other local college campuses as well.
From Facebook post a friend shared: If you haven’t heard about this yet, I want to tell you that God is up to something right now in America! A revival has broken out in Kentucky. A revival for the first time in decades in the United States! Not a “planned revival” that a local church happened to schedule for two months from now, but a real revival.
On Wednesday, February 8th a speaker at a chapel service at Asbury University gave a powerful message from God’s Word about love and repentance. Many students were deeply affected by it, and about 30 students kept the meeting going after its scheduled end time. And from there, the Lord moved mightily. More and more students came BACK to the service and by nightfall, the massive auditorium was packed.
The meeting has now continued, literally WITHOUT STOPPING, for 4.5 days. I just check the livestream and there is not an open seat in the place. People are literally standing in the hallways, out the door, and trying to get in.
I’ve read incredible firsthand reports of testimonies of people getting saved and touched by God. A local professor spoke of how he walked over to check out what was happening and for the first ten minutes he was so struck by the presence of God that he wasn’t even sure what was happening, but that he felt he could stay there the rest of his life.
I’ve spent much of the last 3 years reading A LOT of books on revivals, and I can tell you one thing: This is what they look like. The service is simple. No flashing lights, no gimmicks. Just testimonies, God’s Word, prayer, and worship. They don’t even have a band playing right now. Someone just starts singing a song, and the people worship.
Word has it that it’s beginning to spread to other local college campuses as well.
Pray for God to move. We need Him!