"Revelation is an unveiling. Unveiling is a removal. It means the separation of everything that obstructs the radiance of the glory of Christ! And the mystery of it is that the revelation of Christ is not bringing Christ within us to His fullness, it’s not adding something to the Christ that is in us. You can’t add anything to Christ. Christ is! It’s not the production of Christ, or the increase of Christ, or the maturing of Christ, or the formation of Christ, but it’s the uncovering of the Christ who is already there! Christ is in my spirit. I can’t add anything to my spirit! I may say, “Oh God, I’m seeking a greater manifestation of Christ.” But by that I don’t mean that I’m looking for Christ to become something that He isn’t, or something more and greater than He already is. Oh, no! What I’m after is the revelation, the unveiling, the uncovering of the Christ who is all that He is within my spirit."
Much more in the link:
"Now if you want to understand all the wars that are in the book of Revelation, and all the judgments in the book of Revelation, and all the plagues and the vials, all the thunderings, lightnings, and earthquakes, the islands fleeing away, the mountains shaken down, the heavens departing as a scroll, the stars from heaven falling, the trees and grass burned up, the rivers, fountains, and even the sea dried up — if you truly hunger to understand these things, then know, O son, O daughter of God, that all these are but the movements of God within us to bring a separation between everything we have thought, everything we have known by tradition, by religion, by education, by the carnal mind, by human understanding, by our natural senses, by self-will, to bring a separation from all the exterior, from every impurity and mixture of the flesh so that what is really true in our spirit may be raised up, released, to bring the life and light and love of God to creation!"