If 2020 was stolen, how is 2024 going to be safeguarded?
We all know the election was stolen. The proof has not only been thrown at us, but also to the entire country and court system, but yet, here we are languishing our way thru this mess with another election coming up. I wonder what safeguards are going to be put in place to prevent another steal? The blacks hats are now being very public with their moves. Let’s hope the military finally steps in and put an end to it.
Since dems and liberals seem to love Ron Desantis at this time once Desantis is named as Trumps VP they will get over 100,000,000 legitimate votes and there is no way the deep state can pull of a steal!! Wishful thinking!
Desantis = Pence 2.0
Agree. They seem to be attempting to increase his popularity among democrats and libs lately for whatever reason!
Desantis can't be trumps vp. They're both from the same state.
Agree. I live in Florida and think he’s a rino. All he did was common sense stuff that no other governor did! I was attempting to be humorous since they seem to be pushing Ron for whatever reason!