posted ago by Tellstruth ago by Tellstruth +22 / -0

28 More Ways to Have a Heart Attack, According to ‘Science’ Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola



An urgent and immediate response to assess whether COVID-19 shots — of which more than 12.7 billion doses have been given — are causing heart damage and related deaths should be conducted

Instead, a propaganda campaign appears to be underway to blame the surplus heart attacks on other factors

Investigative journalist Corey Lynn compiled 28 media examples pinning heart attacks on unscientific causes that don’t explain the sudden increase in heart problems that have occurred since COVID-19 shots were mass administered If you listen to these experts, if it’s hot or cold, you’re young or old, you garden or shower, or you’re happy or stressed, you’re at risk

“The so-called ‘experts’ and their friends in the media are covering up adverse events and deaths caused by the Covid injections,” according to Lynn
