Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
If Rupert Murdoch honestly believes that the Presidential Election of 2020, despite MASSIVE amounts of proof to the contrary, was not Rigged & Stolen, then he & his group of MAGA Hating Globalist RINOS should get out of the News Business as soon as possibl...
The answer to the Ops question is apathy and laziness, mixed with idiotic blind faith that a secret cabal of good guys is going to save the day while armchair patriots can just eat popcorn and watch the show.
The MAGA movement started long before Trump, it was called the Tea Party movement, which was sparked by far lesser tyrannies committed by the left then compared to the insanity today. During Obama's reign of villainy, in 2010, patriots took the House by overturning 63 seats, 6 Governorships and 20 sate legislative majorities.
This terrified the left and then the rug was pulled out from under them in 2016 with Trump's victory. Since then we've not had one fair or lawful election; we've had weaponization of every agency of government against patriotic, Christian minded, constitutionalists.
They are coming for our children, our food, our ability to travel and stay warm in the winter, our jobs, our speech, our thoughts, our history and our liberty.
We are the last line of defense and if you will not go out and clean up your own back yard and do all you can do locally, then there is no one else coming to save you.
The Tea Party, with no leader, 100% grass roots effort held back the tide of destruction of the United States of America. Then we had a leader and he coined the phrase, let's make America great again. Everyone jumped on board but most got lazy and said, ok someone is here to do it for us now. We can go back to making popcorn and watch the show.
Well the "show" is your destruction if you do not go out and make America great again.
Edit: At no point in history did people love a prophet who told the truth, they were only venerated in historical texts long after they were dead, often times by the hand of those who could not bare being told the truth.
Here's a tip, if someone tells you something that makes you feel all warm and cozy and calm, 99% of the time they are lying to you and telling you want you want to hear. The truth rarely sits well with people, it tends to shatter their false paradigms, so we stone our prophets to death and beg to be lied to some more because it is as soothing as heroine but it is also just as deadly.
"mixed with idiotic blind faith that a secret cabal of good guys is going to save the day"
You do realize this is a Q forum, right? So you're calling bullshit on this whole thing? Sounds like you're losing faith. Gather yourself, and get back in it, or don't let the door hit you on the way out...
What I like about these types of posts and comments is they reveal an individuals' own fears and uncertainties ... it brings it to the surface. "Hey, if you're not feeling this frustration like I'm feeling, something must be wrong with you." Nah, I'm good.
It's the guy running around during the battle telling everyone what's wrong with the plan. Now's not the time, son. Get your ass back on the line and cowboy up.
There are many patriots doing many things - on a local, regional, national and international scale. This thing is bigger than it ever was, and I see a scared, panicked evil cabal following a script to their own demise.
I understand these moments. Take some time and deal with it, then be a warrior. Victory is coming.
I love how the one statement of mine that you quoted omits the beginning and the end of my sentence and removes the context of my meaning altogether.
"The answer to the Ops question is apathy and laziness, mixed with idiotic blind faith that a secret cabal of good guys is going to save the day while armchair patriots can just eat popcorn and watch the show."
I started with the concept of apathy and ended with the concept of apathy. The blind faith in a secret cabal just gives people the excuse to do nothing and just watch the show.
I then went on to point out a leaderless movement of patriots was kicking ass and taking names for 6 years prior to Trump. In 2016 we voted in Trump and he never broke a promise and we knew we had found a powerful leader of the same movement that had been going strong for over half a decade, he even brilliantly rebranded it to the Make America Great Again movement.
In November of 2017 Q shows up on 4chan, then 8chan, then 8kun. It was a psychological operation designed to grass roots, wake people up and by-pass a clearly biased and corrupted media. Anons became investigative journalists, following the cryptic clues left by Q and we became the news, which spawned many legitimate alternative news networks, with greater ratings than the MSM.
But do you recall the research and sources we produced at that time? Do you recall how other anons would rip you up one side and down the other if you posted speculation without sources? I do.
But as all good things go, quickly the paytriots moved in with wild theories and absurd speculations based of nothing more than the most cryptic of comments made by Q until it became a religion of its own. Serial Brain II and others with mixed bags of numerology and cryptography deciphering wild fantasies of their own creation became the voices listened to more than the cautioned and reasoned voices of researches that avoided speculation and looked at everything with an abundance of skepticism. Those days are gone, it is as though the red pilled woke up one day and said, facts be damned, I'm just going to believe in whatever makes me feel the most at ease.
I have no doubt Q was connected to Trump, there are too many proofs to deny. I am also certain there is a cabal of patriots that want to make America great again. Where my skepticism comes in is believing this cabal has the power to end run around law enforcement agencies, the corrupted AG office, the intelligence clowns and the Supreme court and just start arresting everyone involved and convicting them through military tribunals.
Show me one scintilla of proof, real sauce and I will scream it from the roof tops.
Meanwhile, actual patriots who are doing their all to make a difference in the real world laugh it this tribunal savior fantasy in favor of rolling up their sleeves and fighting with everything they got because if America falls to communism so will the rest of the world and you and me are the last line of defense against this coming darkness.
I am not dooming at all, I am being a logical realist with a practical message of both hope and realism. If you value your liberty then get up and fight for it or die trying.