Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
Yesterday Jesus Christ had His flames of fire feet, one on the sea, the other on the earth.
And then the seventh angel sounded the trumpet!
Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
Another soul has been conquered by the Revelation of Jesus Christ in his very being. Time and time again Jesus Christ conquers the soul of mankind, kicks out the devil and becomes the king of another world!
Now John stands on the sand of the sea. Man is body, soul and spirit. Body represents the sea, the Adamic man in animal state of existence. The soul represents the earth, the Adam of earth, good and evil in the soul of Man. Spirit represents heaven, where Jesus Christ reigns over our land and sea, where Jesus Christ is king in us, where the Revelation of Jesus Christ works its power from.
We, like John stand on the sand of the sea and observe the beast come out of the sea.
Spiritual reality of the corporate New Jerusalem people in the present struggle in the world. Our ever present battle is real now.
The beast comes out of the sea of humanity. The sea of Adamic humanity is where the serpent has its influence ever since Eve was decieved by it. The same serpent of Adam and Eve works in the beast out of the sea of Adamic humanity, it is the beast system that runs clown world all around us.
We too can be decieved and influenced by the beast system if we forget to renew our minds to the perfect work of Jesus Christ in us. Jesus Christ works perfection in His Saints, and the dragon works imperfection in its fallen city of people.
The word seat is translated throne in most versions. The beast rules the Adamic systems of the world around us.
God’s great power rules in the saints, you and me.
Our present battle. Butt hurt dragon gets bound by the chain of truth, and thrown in the pit for 1000 symbolic years while we reign with Jesus Christ.
But the world around us battles the dragon, until they are conquered by Jesus Christ as we have been.
In this spiritual interpretation of the Revelation of Jesus Christ all the killing is symbolic of a spiritual reality.
Those who won't conform to the beast system are killed, it is like cancel culture, they are shamed to death, out of the fold, spiritually killed. This cancel culture works in the world and in the false prophets church, spiritual Babylon.
In this spiritual interpretation of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the mark of the beast is an ever present reality.
The mark of the beast is the thought process, indoctrination into the principles of error. The principles of error dominate our thinking and actions. Thinking is the forehead, actions as the right hand.
You must conform to corrupt practice in order to be part of the beast system, to buy or sell in the system is symbolic of being successful in the beast system. You will be canceled out if you won't conform and comply.
Decieved and very well indoctrinated in their mind. Some comply so they can act within the beast system.
Here's the oposite of the mark of the beast. These have the Father's name written in their foreheads, the seal of God.
Spiritually they are not defiled by the Babylon whore, they fallow and act only as the Lamb, they don't speak Babylon doctrine. They are without fault in the spiritual reality of the throne(rule) of God in their being.