Tate is a womanizer and one nasty guy when it comes to his views on treating women. Seek out the many videos of him teaching classes to other young men in how to create a online webcam business and use suspectable young women. To my knowledge he hasn't denounced this.
I would not recommend any man of any age listen to what he has to say. Even if you like what he says about some things. People this depraved are usually two faced.
Damn your deduction is next level mate, its almost like you can think for youself?? are you maybe a bot? bwhahaha who ever said you should listen and follow everything he says? dicern that for youself dummy and let others be their own judges, all i said is that this podcast is why he was banned from internet and eventually jailed, listen to it fully before comenting bullshit about him.
This Podcast got Scrubbed from youtube REAL FAST, and Tate got banned on all social media platforms only days after, you be the judge why. He is dead on, on everything America related, talking about Trump and Sleepy Joe.
Tate is a womanizer and one nasty guy when it comes to his views on treating women. Seek out the many videos of him teaching classes to other young men in how to create a online webcam business and use suspectable young women. To my knowledge he hasn't denounced this.
I would not recommend any man of any age listen to what he has to say. Even if you like what he says about some things. People this depraved are usually two faced.
Damn your deduction is next level mate, its almost like you can think for youself?? are you maybe a bot? bwhahaha who ever said you should listen and follow everything he says? dicern that for youself dummy and let others be their own judges, all i said is that this podcast is why he was banned from internet and eventually jailed, listen to it fully before comenting bullshit about him.
This Podcast got Scrubbed from youtube REAL FAST, and Tate got banned on all social media platforms only days after, you be the judge why. He is dead on, on everything America related, talking about Trump and Sleepy Joe.