Shower thought about the DJT arrest
Sorry if this seems over simplified. Trump wants us to protest and in the past we have been told to avoid gatherings etc posted on the internet because it could be a trap. My thought is this. Trump gets arrested and we protest, however, it won’t be one big event, in one place, like a rally or J6 for lack of a better example. More locations, means more chances for agent provocateurs or contact with opposition groups like BLM/ANTIFA. This could also include over zealous groups on the periphery of our movement who may overreact. Chime in please. Thanks for your time.
Just do it in your home town at the busiest intersection with a sidewalk. That’s what I am going to do Tuesday. I feel someone will join me. And after the second person confirms my actions a third will come confirming further. I am sure there will be 100 by the time a couple hours pass.
I hope there won’t be a 100. Too easy for antifa types to infiltrate. A small group can talk to each other and find out what they think.
Yeah there’s only 3000 that live here that’s way too optimistic.