To the nay sayers here, You realize how dumb you response is? A federal agent is paid by the tax payers, a nationwide bank run is what's needed to finally bankrupt the system which is what's needed to address the issues at hand.Q doesn't say not to have bank runs right?
We're supposed to be digital soldiers, not slaves in the game. We're supposed to ban together peacefully to take down this system, we're not supposed to wait for a knight in shining armor to rescue us dip shit and damaging the financial sector needs to happen, your precious 401k is irrelevant, if you dislike that pull out and diversify in real assets rather than van guard and black rock stock picks.
Nice try faggot. Go spread your bullshit elsewhere..
To the nay sayers here, You realize how dumb you response is? A federal agent is paid by the tax payers, a nationwide bank run is what's needed to finally bankrupt the system which is what's needed to address the issues at hand.Q doesn't say not to have bank runs right? We're supposed to be digital soldiers, not slaves in the game. We're supposed to ban together peacefully to take down this system, we're not supposed to wait for a knight in shining armor to rescue us dip shit and damaging the financial sector needs to happen, your precious 401k is irrelevant, if you dislike that pull out and diversify in real assets rather than van guard and black rock stock picks. Nice try faggot. Go spread your bullshit elsewhere..