He did survive....by turning in all of his fellow Jews, to then be rewarded the opportunity to go thru their houses and take what he wanted. When questioned on 60 minutes about it, (he was reminded that none of those people he turned in survived, and did he have remorse) He said " I survived" He is evil!
I want to have Soros tested genetically against other surviving family members to find out if he is who he says he is or if he is just a German nazi that took on the identity of a Jewish victim to escape execution for holocaust crimes he committed. surviving family overseas would not know if he was an imposter because they would have met Soros as a real small child or not at all.
it was not turning in his neighbors he was on the team that went in and looted the houses.. The story I heard is that he was allowed to stay alive because someone overseas was paying to keep him alive, and that he proved useful in looting homes of the wealthy because he knew what valuables they had. Hard to know what truth is and what is not truth. The farther we get from that time period the harder to know the truth.
lots of cao's at the end of World War 2. someone who is young looking under 30 can fake a younger age. I myself looked as if I was 13 or 14 till I was in my early 30 s. now at 56 I look old
He did survive....by turning in all of his fellow Jews, to then be rewarded the opportunity to go thru their houses and take what he wanted. When questioned on 60 minutes about it, (he was reminded that none of those people he turned in survived, and did he have remorse) He said " I survived" He is evil!
I want to have Soros tested genetically against other surviving family members to find out if he is who he says he is or if he is just a German nazi that took on the identity of a Jewish victim to escape execution for holocaust crimes he committed. surviving family overseas would not know if he was an imposter because they would have met Soros as a real small child or not at all.
I believe he was 14 or `15 when he was turning in his neighbors.
it was not turning in his neighbors he was on the team that went in and looted the houses.. The story I heard is that he was allowed to stay alive because someone overseas was paying to keep him alive, and that he proved useful in looting homes of the wealthy because he knew what valuables they had. Hard to know what truth is and what is not truth. The farther we get from that time period the harder to know the truth.
lots of cao's at the end of World War 2. someone who is young looking under 30 can fake a younger age. I myself looked as if I was 13 or 14 till I was in my early 30 s. now at 56 I look old