posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +66 / -1

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. — Proverbs 3:5

A few years ago, our family was moving to a new house and state. We were working on finishing up items so our house could be placed on the market. I had one repair that I needed to complete before the photographer came, and I had a weekend to do it. It was simple, or so I thought. I simply needed to use some paint and paint something.

Except it was not that simple. Not long after I started painting, the very problem I was trying to fix became much worse. What I had anticipated taking a few minutes to fix ended up being a much bigger problem. There was an even bigger issue, and I had no idea how I was going to fix it.

So I called a friend of mine who regularly does home repair. I shared the issue, and he listened. He said, “this is not going to be too bad.” Then, he proceeded to walk me through the steps on how to complete the repair. The things he told me to do made absolutely no sense at first. It was beyond my understanding. Then, once I tried it, it worked!

There are so many times in life that we face these types of circumstances. We have a problem, and we simply don’t know how we are going to handle it. We think through all the ways we can try to fix it. Each time, we end up at the same place. Sometimes, with an even bigger problem, beyond our understanding!

God is an expert in handling problems. Never once has He been presented with a problem that He could not handle. So instead of trying to figure things out on your own, and making a bigger mess of them, why not trust God? He’s ready and able.

Jared Dyson

Another Well Ministries