Did everyone forget to watch Chicago and Wisconsin ? I mean shit bois we already know its a nothing burger with Trump.
I don't know how they are calling it for no jail Janet in the Wisconsin race. 27% has not been reported and Dan Kelly is catching up with less than a 10% spread.
What pisses me off is there are 400,000 licensed hunters in Wisconsin who have never voted in any election ever. WTF is wrong with these people, their right to own fire arms is on the line and they're too busy working on their snow mobiles to actually fight for their own rights.
It is just disgusting. Ignorance and apathy will be the death of this nation.
You know why and so do I.
It onky takes a long time to vote when they are losing and need time. Of course they’ve perfected the steal, don’t need to hide it cuz no one investigates so they just steal it outright now. I fear 2024 will be a blue blood bath.
only if they're losing early!
It's on us not to quit!
But the whole time YOU,Me and We were always part of the plan so within confidence I say I still TRUST the Plan. Q was a map you just have to implement it. Participation is a +.