When you consume foods, they will either cause your body to become more acidic or alkaline. When your body becomes acidic, then the oxygen in your body starts to diminish. On the contrary when your body becomes more alkaline, the oxygen throughout your body is increased.
When your body is alkaline, you will find yourself healing from cuts and scratches, bruises and other noticeable issues over night. When your body is heavily acidic, you will find that it can sometimes take days or even weeks for these minor issues to resolve themselves.
If your cells lose more than 65% oxygen, meaning that your cell has 35% or less oxygen, it will become cancerous. And, if your cells regain that oxygen, your cells will repair themselves and the cancer will go away.
If you have cancer, and you are treating the cancer specifically, you are essentially not helping yourself because cancer is only the symptom of a problem, it is what you should use to recognize a different issue. You're simply too acidic.
If you would like to know more about this specifically, you can learn about DR. Otto Warburg, who in 1931 won a nobel prize for his cancer discovery.
An excellent quote by him says as follows: "No disease including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment."
Black strap molasses with gum turpentine (NOT the paint stripper turpentine)
Black seed oil with honey 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
Black strap molasses and baking soda as I remember reading. Cancer loves sugar so the molasses carries the baking soda to the cancer. pH strips to monitor urine alkalinity so you can vary the dose of soda to keep your body around 8.8 to 9.0 pH. This isn't medical advice though, so remember to research what works for you.
Thanks, You could be right about this.