Say what you will, but the biggest redpilling events in the last three decades didn't happen in city councils, churches, political commentary or anything of the sort.
For all the efforts from people like Bill Cooper, Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul and the like, the biggest cultural shifts and the reason the right wing was reborn and started rising again, was because the blue haired fascist freaks pissed off millenials and zoomers by trying to hunt down 4chan, video games and 2D japanese anime girls.
If they left the geeks and the autists alone with their toys, dare I say that 80% of the cultural shift we're experiencing would never have happened.
It's something to reflect upon this week.
I agree to an extent but the autists also make up like 60% of troons. They are easily manipulated into it by the grooming at public school from kindergarten onwards since they already feel different and that is channeled into so called gender dysphoria. I'd say their are just as many turbo autists on the left as the right. Groups like anon generally seemed to be right wing in the past, now they seem all in on the troon agenda. Remember all the hacker autists after Jan 6th that helped track and dox random people that went to protest. Same with them leaking all the info for people donating to right wing things.