I live in Michigan and seem to be seeing less and less livestock. Anybody know why?
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You vill eatz zee bugs
People sell in the fall, so they don't have to feed all winter. We owned cattle in Michigan, many years ago and did that all the time.
Your words are comforting. Usually surround us. Just felt spooky.
If we don't comply, they'll starve us.
I live in MI and never see livestock.
It's almost all hobby farms. The land is to expensive to raise cattle.
Not where I live! Usually we see cattle, sheep, chickens daily. Lots of farms in my neck of the wood. Saw a few horses and a factory chicken farm on a 4 hour day trip yesterday but nothing else. It was kinda spooky. Maybe I'm paranoid?
Compare and contrast: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fyHLmT1mGZ7wqFNPIaYgytLfWno=/0x0:5320x3540/1200x800/filters:focal(3035x444:3885x1294)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/63700268/1142005332.jpg.0.jpg