AMERICA is INUNDATED with citizens who do not understand and cannot grasp the simple concept of Constitutional Representation.
The Bill of Rights, being INALIENABLE, cannot be comprehended by many POLITICAL REPRESENTATIVES and is being attacked daily by ENEMIES within. FOREIGN PLAYERS assist.
We The People must continue to spotlight such malfeasance and continue educating those who are teachable.
Meme and shitpost to your hearts content. You might not influence your target audience but the resulting crossfire will at least make the truth UNAVOIDABLE.
I swear, every time i hear "our democracy" it's like fingernails on a many people have no idea that we are a Republic with representatives, not to be "governed" by our overlords as they wish in DC..."one of these days, Alice" from the great Jackie Gleason...on another note, saw a Texas special license plate that read "THNK U GD" and i wish i had waited around to meet who came out of the store for that, there is hope, but so much would be better if the teevee talking heads would stfu...
There is hope-- The Blessed Hope!