My understanding from the Art Bell days was that the cattle mutilations which would take mouth and anal parts Away from the animal with no apparent blood or struggle. Seemingly with a laser scalpel. Perhaps it was our government studying fall out patterns of early nuclear testing. Cows eat grass all day and the radiation would be in the digestive tract. I imagine samples of tissues over time would tell a lot about the impact of those New Mexico tests long ago.
mucous membranes are tissue biopsied often in science due to cell generation in epithelial mucosa outer tissues . I could imagine anus and underside of tongue being uniform harvest sites in dropped cattle.
airborne radioactive particles are incorporated into cells through open wounds or mucosal surfaces
My understanding from the Art Bell days was that the cattle mutilations which would take mouth and anal parts Away from the animal with no apparent blood or struggle. Seemingly with a laser scalpel. Perhaps it was our government studying fall out patterns of early nuclear testing. Cows eat grass all day and the radiation would be in the digestive tract. I imagine samples of tissues over time would tell a lot about the impact of those New Mexico tests long ago.
mucous membranes are tissue biopsied often in science due to cell generation in epithelial mucosa outer tissues . I could imagine anus and underside of tongue being uniform harvest sites in dropped cattle.
airborne radioactive particles are incorporated into cells through open wounds or mucosal surfaces
one layperson ref :!