Charles, arse as he is, has actually done us all a favour in swearing his oath. He has re-affirmed the 1688 Coronation Oath, which is part of the 1688 Bill of Rights, which is often dismissed as archaic and no longer relevant. In fact he has confirmed its Enshrined nature and that the Monarch is BOUND by such rules, to SERVE WE THE PEOPLE and OUR LAWS, not their or Governments made up ones. They even cut out a part from 1688 regarding "Parliament Statutes" and skipped straight to OUR LAWS. Charles now serves US, under GOD and affirmed he is Protestant, and is bound again by 1688 Bill of Rights, which PREVENTS Government from ANY POWERS over us all, except to "AMEND (not simply MAKE UP), STRENGTHEN and PRESERVE...OUR LAWS OF THE REALME", which is confirmed as the "PEOPLES LAWS, as the COMMON LAW" in the Great Charter 1297 wording, which stems from Magna Carta 1215, which again he just confirmed existence of, by doing so.
Therefore, this rogue Government and Monarchy prior, can now be held to account and BoR 1688 protections and those of the Security Clause of Article 61 Lawful Rebellion, invoked in 2001 by the Barons Committee can be fully acted on, to restrain Government and Monarchy again, back to rightful position of SERVANTS ONLY.
Charles, arse as he is, has actually done us all a favour in swearing his oath. He has re-affirmed the 1688 Coronation Oath, which is part of the 1688 Bill of Rights, which is often dismissed as archaic and no longer relevant. In fact he has confirmed its Enshrined nature and that the Monarch is BOUND by such rules, to SERVE WE THE PEOPLE and OUR LAWS, not their or Governments made up ones. They even cut out a part from 1688 regarding "Parliament Statutes" and skipped straight to OUR LAWS. Charles now serves US, under GOD and affirmed he is Protestant, and is bound again by 1688 Bill of Rights, which PREVENTS Government from ANY POWERS over us all, except to "AMEND (not simply MAKE UP), STRENGTHEN and PRESERVE...OUR LAWS OF THE REALME", which is confirmed as the "PEOPLES LAWS, as the COMMON LAW" in the Great Charter 1297 wording, which stems from Magna Carta 1215, which again he just confirmed existence of, by doing so.
Therefore, this rogue Government and Monarchy prior, can now be held to account and BoR 1688 protections and those of the Security Clause of Article 61 Lawful Rebellion, invoked in 2001 by the Barons Committee can be fully acted on, to restrain Government and Monarchy again, back to rightful position of SERVANTS ONLY.
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Didn't Elizabeth take the same oath why can't the same have been said of her?DS was in control back then
Compare and contrast.