I was reading a couple of articles about wedding guests kicked out of hotels for illegals and NY schools ending recess so aliens could live in the gym and get free food.
The thought hit me, will this illegal invasion be pushed to the big cities? If so the plan could be to shock these lost leftists by showing them how the open border progressive plan looks in 3D.
They get a glimpse of their future. And maybe at some point think, holy shit this will only get worse, eventually illegals are everywhere and life as they know it will be over.
Edit: My point isn't that Q would allow the border to be open. The Deep State is responsible for that. But, in a countermove Q could be pushing the problem to blue cities like NY. Sorry if I implied Q team has a hand in opening the border, I do not believe that.
Nothing can explain what’s goin on at boarder except for the worthless people in power that need to be hanging from a rope doing there best to ruin this country and fucking all of us in the process and it’s all of the don’t matter what letter is by there name ALL OF THEM is in on it has nothing to do with Q
I may have miscommunicated my thoughts on Q involvement. Q involvement isn't allowing the borders to be open, that is all the deep state. But, Q could use this shit to help wake people, by bussing in mass to blue cities.