Donations to the Clinton Foundation fell off a cliff when she lost the election. It isn't rocket science to figure out what she was doing.
If a foreign entity wanted some classified info, she could put it in an email and put it on the server in the bathroom. They could 'hack' into it, and she can just claim she had no idea.
So, Hillary can have a private server with classified information giving back door "Hack" access from foreign states like China to classified files for a price? But no reasonable prosecutor would bring forth such a case according FBI director James Comey.
Joe Biden, Truck loads of classified documents in 4 locations some of which he has refused access, oh wasn't that when the Chinese spy Balloon took everyone's attention away from Biden unlawfully possessing 1400 years worth of prison sentences in all the shit he was not supposed to have?
Donations to the Clinton Foundation fell off a cliff when she lost the election. It isn't rocket science to figure out what she was doing.
If a foreign entity wanted some classified info, she could put it in an email and put it on the server in the bathroom. They could 'hack' into it, and she can just claim she had no idea.
So, Hillary can have a private server with classified information giving back door "Hack" access from foreign states like China to classified files for a price? But no reasonable prosecutor would bring forth such a case according FBI director James Comey.
Joe Biden, Truck loads of classified documents in 4 locations some of which he has refused access, oh wasn't that when the Chinese spy Balloon took everyone's attention away from Biden unlawfully possessing 1400 years worth of prison sentences in all the shit he was not supposed to have?
Orange man bad! Charge him with 37 felonies!