What's your thoughts about Juneteenth?
Banks and post offices are closed. Legit holiday or what? Biden gave the deep state workers another freebie at our expense. Seems to me we have too many federal holidays already. I keep hoping that part of Trump's agenda will be to drastically cut the size and scope of government. Personally I think that first cut should be 50% and then chip away from there until it's about 25% of what we currently have. Then maybe our taxes can go down in an effort to free the rest of us slaves who pay taxes and foot the bills for outrageous expenditures like $billions to Ukraine and pallets of cash to Iran.
Not entirely, from a spiritual perspective.
June 19th is near the Summer equinox, and is a celebration with fireworks, unrestrained freedom, and (often) firearms in gang-shooting events. It is a holiday, with its accompaniment of sacrifices and the worship of the individual.
Opposite, we have the celebration of our savior's birth. Most events are calm and subdued, with organized music and the recognition of the sacrifice made for us. Positioned closely to the winter equinox, sacrifices are made in the form of praise and thanksgiving.
Who would want such an inversion made? Whom would it be honoring? Spiting?
You're missing the point. The cabal are people who follow an older religion. It's pagan and many of its practices revolve around celebrating the equinoxes (March and October) and the solstices (June and December). There are reasons they do it that aren't really germane to this discussion. What is important is that they like to corrupt modern ideas and modern culture to get people to unknowingly celebrate their values and their holidays at their sacred times. Probably the best known example of this is Christmas. Biblical scholars working with astronomers speculate Christ was born in September at a time that aligned with a brightly visible star from the story of the nativity. But we celebrate that birth 4 days after the winter solstice. So, we think we're celebrating our god when in fact we're celebrating theirs.
That's why this matters. These people love their symbols. So, 2 days before the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, now they've got us celebrating for them again.
As am I.
Part of my awakening was the realization that the fundamental substance of this world is Spirit. We have an adversary in the Deep State, but the sweet song of its deception has an immaterial origin.
There are no coincidences.
Edit: added words to clarify my thoughts
Fire post. Felt like i was reading Spurgeon.
Thanks, fren. I've never read any of his writings, although the Wikipedia excerpt appears to sing his praises.