What's your thoughts about Juneteenth?
Banks and post offices are closed. Legit holiday or what? Biden gave the deep state workers another freebie at our expense. Seems to me we have too many federal holidays already. I keep hoping that part of Trump's agenda will be to drastically cut the size and scope of government. Personally I think that first cut should be 50% and then chip away from there until it's about 25% of what we currently have. Then maybe our taxes can go down in an effort to free the rest of us slaves who pay taxes and foot the bills for outrageous expenditures like $billions to Ukraine and pallets of cash to Iran.
It's Thank You White Brothers day. J19 is a reminder and an example to the world that America stands alone in the fight for freedom. t's an excellent opportunity to inform Americans concerning the History of the GOP and It's commitment TO END SLAVERY IN THE USA of All Men. White men fought and Died to free their Black brothers from slavery. They did not have to do this deed. They were godly and honorable to accomplish this victory. Many of these soldiers lost fortunes,families and health to Achieve this freedom for people that did not look like them.. May God bless the descendants of the great men and keep then in His House forever Amen. Let's go eat.. together in Peace.
Many also fought for the right to live free from the oppression of a centralized government. One that would not demand the payment of tariffs and taxes to enrich themselves. One that would not abuse the citizen by instituting money laundering schemes to rob the populace. One that would not destroy the farmland, salt their fields, kill their livestock, burn their churches, burn their homes and ruin their lives simply because they lived in a certain area. Many fought against being jailed without any any writ of habeas corpus as our country’s president enforced. Maybe we have not progressed that much. Many tears to the lost lives of Freedom.
It touches God's heart most when men lay their lives down for others . We never give honor to those men. White people sure don't . Juneteenth is an opportunity for people of Truth to openly discuss things like this as American people