Seems like all these news headlines are preparing the Normies to wake the fuck up. Perhaps people will start to ask why haiti is the way it is. The [clintons] know.
I was there in 2010 after the Earthquake. Sad state of affairs! Had I known then, what I know now, Sean Penn would have never gotten a chance to meet Chapo.
Seems like all these news headlines are preparing the Normies to wake the fuck up. Perhaps people will start to ask why haiti is the way it is. The [clintons] know.
I was there in 2010 after the Earthquake. Sad state of affairs! Had I known then, what I know now, Sean Penn would have never gotten a chance to meet Chapo.
Muhh bad
Just realized my dumb ass is still a handshake my bad. Mods delete this if you need to.
Have some up votes.