Blasphemy defined: "Female Lutheran pastor leads church in 'sparkle creed' prayer to 'nonbinary' God, says Christ Jesus had '2 dad." The wrath of God is coming and its gonna be biblical.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
Look into which churches are making millions from leftist policies like illegal immigration and you'll understand why those churches have gone screaming liberal. It's disgusting. And it's not just the Lutherans.
Fwiw, there are different Lutheran synods, and the one mentioned in the article should not even be allowed to be called Lutheran......there is nothing Lutheran about them. I am LCMS (Missouri Synod) and we are very conservative and are based on scripture....grace alone by faith alone on the basis of scripture alone. And the Wisconsin Synod is even MORE conservative (women not allowed to be church council board members).
I am super extra disgusted and pissed that these blasphemous fools tarnish the name of real Lutherans. I think they must be similar to offshoots of the Methodist church that got totally taken over by the rainbows and caused splits and they just kept the name even though it's totally not that.
Came here to say more or less this, even though I’m not LCMS or WELS. The ELCA is full bore wokechurch and gets all the headlines.