Q NOOB MEGATHREAD: New to Q? With the 'Sound of Freedom' movie dominating the box office and giving Hollywood seizures, we have a lot of new eyes on us! What is this "Q anon" thing? ASK US ANYTHING!

This a great idea, thank you.
I have a request/ question:
I have been looking for a 5 min video that Praying Medic did that answered the question "what/who is Q?"
For a year or two in maybe 2018-2019, it was widely circulated. It was one of the more succinct, impartial & accurate descriptions at the time. I've searched everywhere including all of his archives & have not been able to locate.
Does anyone remember this one or know where to find it?
Email Praying Medic. He’ll answer you.
Go to PrayingMedic.com. Click on his latest article or video. Type a comment. He’ll answer you.
You're awesome, thank you for the suggestion. I think I will do just that!
I’ll try to find his email address