I may have stumbled upon a little hopeum with the recent video released by the 4th PSYOPS Group.
Something has bothered me every since I watched Trumps farewell speech, 3 years ago. He said something in such a peculiar manner that it immediately set off my comms alarm. In the first minute of his farewell speech Trump says, "... and we also want them to have luck. A very important word." He didn't wish them the typical 'good luck' and furthermore, he then emphasized the word lucks importance. Such an anomalous way to phrase it, it struck me as too odd. Even for our sometimes eccentric Commander in Chief.
Fast forward years later and the 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) 'steps onto the stage with their first video a year ago, 'Ghost in the Machine' and 8 days ago, 'Among the stars.' First, some background on this group. They are a military information support operation working under the 1st Special Forces Command at Fort Liberty. Their mission is to degrade enemy moral and influence global populations to either "fight, surrender, or BELIEVE." Their motto is Verbum Vincet. The Word Will Conquer.
It's important to emphasize their critical role in this modern conflict. This current world war we find ourselves in is predominately 5th generation warfare. This is an information war of perception. The battle ground is no longer some hill in Asia but your schools, your universities, your place of work. Your living rooms and around the dining room table. The target is the hearts and minds of citizens around the world. The prize, the very souls of mankind and the future of reality, itself.
This is a physiological world war. Not a kinetic conflict like the wars of past. As such, the spec op groups that specialize in psychological operations are pivotal in in this theatre. Kinetic operations still play a part ( Ukraine, sabotage, and spec op tactical hits on enemy strongholds and DUMBs, etc. ) but they are no longer central forces in winning wars as they once were. Deception. Perception. Information. In conjunction with the powerful military AIs, our MI groups are the tip of the spear in this engagement.
With that in mind, Anomalous quips by POTUS should not be flippantly dismissed as just speech. On November 3, 2020 the 4th Psychological Operations Groups official twitter feed released a video, elaborating on what their crest signifies. Here I learned that the primary emblem in their crest is a quatrefoil. The official definition of a quatrefoil is- an ornamental design of four lobes or leaves as used in architectural tracery, resembling a flower or four-leaf clover.
Luck—a very important word. During such a chaotic and desperate time, I believe Trump was trying to tell us something. Letting us know that the Ghost were operational. That the mission was underway and things were not as they seem. Think about it. Trump had the deep state on their backs. He upset their Great Reset time table. He upended their plans for a new dark age under the guise of a public health crisis. He coaxed the masses to action and began the process of stirring the sleeping giant. They were desperate to regain control... and yet they put Biden in front?
Who in their right mind, in such a desperate position, would have picked such a terrible candidate to regain control? Specifically, to regain control of the narrative and lull the masses back to sleep. A POTUS so incompetent and addled from dementia, that it actually served to do the opposite and instead started waking people on the left? Was this the plan the entire time? In conjunction with pundits on the left like Bill Maher that, for instance, have relentlessly attacked the more radical aspects of the left. Are Ghost working within the machine to wrest the deep states grasp on the minds of citizens across the planet?
Are we bearing witness to the most powerful pysops campaign in human history?
Was Trumps first term dedicated to facilitating military intel orgs time, resources, operational clearance to orchestrate the current operation underway? To undo the brainwashing of billions across the globe?
Was the 'stolen' election unavoidable or more accurate, necessary?
Did we need bad actors in 'power' while this pysops was carried out?
How many billions across the globe now have a fundamental understanding of the deep state, their pervasive influence, and the evil they enable?
In this 5th generation war, are the hearts and minds of the people turning to the light? Are the people waking up? Compare to a decade ago. The answer is definitive.
Are major nexus of deep state influence being degraded or commandeered? Think Twitter, Fox, and CNN. The answer is definitive.
As the nemesis' plan advances and becomes more radical and draconian, how do you think the citizenry, no longer asleep and brainwashed, will react? Is a critical percentage of awareness being achieved to ensure victory in the coming battles?
Are we watching a play on the world stage being carried out by the greatest military in history? A military established by Founding Fathers that understood the clandestine and infiltrating nature of this ancient nemesis? Did they understand the necessity of equally clandestine operations required to fight such an enemy?
Or do you believe all of this is just coincidence?
From the 4th PSYOPS Group Ghosts in the Machine video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA4e0NqyYMw
If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him.
Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. Sun Tu
Have you ever wondered
Who's pulling the strings?
Born from the ashes
Of a world at war
You'll find us in the shadows
At the tip of the spear
A threat rises in the East
Warfare is evolving
and all the world's a stage
What sort of comms could you logically expect from a spec ops group, working in the shadows to defeat a pervasive enemy that is embedded at all levels of society? In 5th generation warfare, where the distinction between combatant and civilian is blurred, is it not logical that a new form of comms may be used to reach this hybridized civilian/ combatant? Warfare is evolving.