The Deagel Forecast has been troubling for the past three years. It was so troubling the Deep State has tried to remove all references to it since 2020.
Here is the actual Deagel Forecast by country.
The forecast shows the US population will decrease by 68% by EOY 2025. From a US population of 327 million in 2017 down to 99 million. It appears money for the forecast was allocated by the US Govt. months before the announcement that a virus called Covid existed. The forecast becomes more clear that it was driven by the CIA/DOD/Rockerfeller Foundation, and they believe the vaccination rate numbers have been great enough to achieve their depopulation numbers. It is also interesting that they have Germany’s population going down to 28 million which I think is roughly the same as the number not being vaccinated.
Our Government is pure evil.
Here is one more link from 2008 for those that like to read:
This report does not specifically state the 68% reduction in US pop, but they do cover the future as being a world without the west. They state most of the growth in the US will come from foreign migration.
The plan that we see unfolding has been in operation for decades. Remember the document above was done in 2008.
The next 3 years appear to be evolving in a very rough manner. Death rates may be unimaginable. Certainly they will blame all the deaths on climate change. It’s part of the long term plan.
It seems like 75% of those who took shots aren't even sick yet. So I am guessing/hoping the numbers won't pan out.
They won’t. Early on, Japan found out that there were different batches of the shots. Add to that, looks like red US states got hit hardest by certain batches. Canada pedes hacked their ‘papers please’ and found out there was going to be 8 shots. Further, how bad is my batch Their plan failed. We were supposed to stay locked down. So not everyone is in trouble and that is not even taking into account God, in which all things are possible.