Mr. "CATSFIVE" - check your self , before ya wreck your self. IMO - let it just play out. 24 Hour News Cycle. Treat it like the Menstrual cycle - - - Stay away from that thing while it is a "HOT MESS" !!! "DEADLY" !!! Just Speaking for my self here ; I can clearly see that you have never been DIVORCED / or Dissolved a Business Partnership ??? ( Respectfully ) IMO - I don't think you should be barking "ORDERS" - especially to this group of people. Pull the "Flip-A-Roonie" - and let everybody blow off steam. Give this sucker time to run wild with free reign. "IT" will burn and sort itself out on it's own. Best of luck Sir.
Mr. "CATSFIVE" - check your self , before ya wreck your self. IMO - let it just play out. 24 Hour News Cycle. Treat it like the Menstrual cycle - - - Stay away from that thing while it is a "HOT MESS" !!! "DEADLY" !!! Just Speaking for my self here ; I can clearly see that you have never been DIVORCED / or Dissolved a Business Partnership ??? ( Respectfully ) IMO - I don't think you should be barking "ORDERS" - especially to this group of people. Pull the "Flip-A-Roonie" - and let everybody blow off steam. Give this sucker time to run wild with free reign. "IT" will burn and sort itself out on it's own. Best of luck Sir.
Hijacking Comment to a link I just posted, Vegas Incident commander & Maui Police Chief are same person: