Yep they sure were dangerous to the Crown and the elites, but not the average Joe and Jane making it hard out in the country side to make a life. They had a chance to make it.
Now the corporations, rather these investment firms own every damn thing right down to your clothing. Think I'm kidding? Seeing ads on Youtube about renting your whole wardrobe. I guess we'll be renting someone elses used up underwear and socks some day if we don't put a stop to this crap.
Yep they sure were dangerous to the Crown and the elites, but not the average Joe and Jane making it hard out in the country side to make a life. They had a chance to make it. Now the corporations, rather these investment firms own every damn thing right down to your clothing. Think I'm kidding? Seeing ads on Youtube about renting your whole wardrobe. I guess we'll be renting someone elses used up underwear and socks some day if we don't put a stop to this crap.