Mark Meadows is testifying right now.
🔍 Notable
He is trying to get his indictment in GA moved to Federal Court. He needs to show his actions in GA were only because he was acting as a Federal Officer.....he was just doing his job as Trump's Chief of staff in other words.
can find anyone covering it on twitter, just a CNN live blog mixed in with other stuff.
Secretary of State Raffensberger testified saying he felt it was a campaign call. A lawyer who was on that call testified saying they are not an employee of the federal government.
Prosecutors are saying this is outside the scope of Mark Meadows federal job but this is campaign related activity. Therefore it cannot be moved to federal court.
Closing arguments are about to happen.
Four other people want to try this move to get their case taken to federal court. People were saying that Mark Meadows actually had the best case of all of them because folks like Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell are not employed by the federal government where Mark Meadows did have that role in the executive branch.
Trump is going to try and get his case. Moved to federal court too. I bet.
If for nothing else just to delay the trial