This man exposes his stage 4 cancer cure
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It's been proven that cancer is a micro parasite. Taking Fenbendazole (and also Ivermectin) will isolate and kill it. The cancer racket is just that, a racket. They make cancer meds and treatments to keep you alive, so they can bleed you of your money. Part of the great awakening I think is the revelation that the medical industrial complex (because that's what it is) is nothing more than a money making machine. Notice starting in the mid 90s to today hospitals were one by one bought up by company's and became "health systems" not community hospitals. There are almost no independent community hospitals left in the US, and the ones that are still standing are not doing well and will either go out of business or be gobbled up by a health system company. Your health is NOT the priority, your wallet is.
Where is the proof?
Many articles and research on it have been posted on GAW so look around, do your own research. I'm just letting you know it's out there.