Nothing good will come from this. Europe will be fighting an Islamic Jihad very soon. All planned to create chaos for the Great Reset. Doesn't make sense to welcome all those " refugees " from Islamic Countries, shut their mosques down just in time for the Sound of Freedom movie showing in Europe about pedofiles..... they planned this. There will be death in the streets. Perfect Storm.
All infections and tumors will only get worse the longer the host puts off dealing with them. So its something that had to happen.
Ironic that the nation showing the best way to deal with invading attackers waving the 'we are oppressed refugees' signs was the Saudis, who killed a bunch of african invaders that were milling about on their border with Yemen. The same has to be done with all the invaders to Europe.
Nothing good will come from this. Europe will be fighting an Islamic Jihad very soon. All planned to create chaos for the Great Reset. Doesn't make sense to welcome all those " refugees " from Islamic Countries, shut their mosques down just in time for the Sound of Freedom movie showing in Europe about pedofiles..... they planned this. There will be death in the streets. Perfect Storm.
All infections and tumors will only get worse the longer the host puts off dealing with them. So its something that had to happen.
Ironic that the nation showing the best way to deal with invading attackers waving the 'we are oppressed refugees' signs was the Saudis, who killed a bunch of african invaders that were milling about on their border with Yemen. The same has to be done with all the invaders to Europe.