Been going down the whole ascension rabbit hole and came across neville goddard. Started reading one of his books. Saw some success stories online.
Anyone experienced?
Edit: I also sometimes think that Q was partly a psyop to keep a certain amount of people believing that we will defeat the cabal and this help manifest that in 3d. Also prayer and God wins etc is about faith and believing that everything will be good.
What does the MSM constantly do? Keep us focused on fear. Low vibrational energy. When we feel something will happen, it will happen if we focus on it a lot. Etc.
"Neville depicted Christ not as a living figure but, rather, as a mythical master psychologist whose miracles and parables demonstrate the power of creative thought."
As much as the New Thought teachings seem positive, I think we have to keep in mind that satan has the ability to give us material/spiritual things and so discernment is always necessary when we get into areas that are in direct contrast to Biblical truth. If you are not a Christian then there is no reason you would question whether or not New Thought is of God or satan. Personally I recognize that there is always a very fine line between God's truth and satan's deceptions. This, of course, is totally my convictions as a Christian.