Many are not aware of the fact that Epstein Island was not the first Pedo island taken out by Q+.
Keith Ranier and the NXIVM cult was not even the start of this story but the most publicized. The were connected to the Vanderbilt side of the cult of the ancient brotherhood of the snake.
Nor are most people aware that information gathered by the white hats from breaking up this human trafficking ring was connected to the military strike in LA where material evidence, a corpse in a body bag and a few hooded captives where taken on board the choppers and absconded with.
Nor are most people aware of how all these things are connected to the first Pedo island Trump took out.
There is a 221 acre Island in the fiords of Puget sound off the coast of Seattle Washington called Ketron Island. The Homes on the surrounding Mainland are owned by Billionaires such as Bill Gates and other silicon valley giants. The Island's only access is by a ferry that only makes a few round trips per day. It is heavily guarded, it literally has an anti-aircraft missile system on the Island (private, non-military) and the billionaire club owns the mainland police and Judges.
In the early 1900's the Island was a private hunter's club, where exotic animals would be imported to be hunted by the super wealthy and the politically connected. Who owns it now is obscured by Trusts within Corporations within Trusts, etc..
Today, due to the power of the elites, no search warrant would possibly be issued to search this Island. But when Trump was in office it was invaded by the Q+ white hats. The story gets weird. (if you go deep diving on this one do not get caught up in the Whidbey Island missile launch conspiracy, that is a red herring designed to keep you off the right track)
Q planted the seeds for us to dig, anons went hunting and put the pieces together to figure out what happened that the MSM would not cover but Q+ could not let be kept entirely quiet.
I say it gets weird because it encompasses three huge stories not told by the MSM and the only part the media covered did not tell the underlying story.
It starts with Q showing us a photo of a misslile launched at Airforce one in an attempt on Trump's life while he was on his way to Malaysia to meet with Rocket man Kim for the first time. Q also posted real time proof of AF1 photos in trumps command office on board. The missile was launched from a decommissioned US Navy submarine, the USS Richard B. Russell, which was acquired and restored by the clowns for the elite, who's ownership is obscured by the fact that it was supposed to have been dismantled.
The Missile was launched from the ocean near Whidbey Island Naval station and video was caught of it's launch but again do not get caught up in the theory that it was launched from Whidbey. It was launched from the former USS Richard B. Russell. At Trumps return to the US the action taken against this latest assassination attempt was swift, immediate and profound (less than two months to put this operation together).
Epstein's Island was not the first Pedo Island for the elites that was taken down by Trump and the Ghost's in the machine. (even the acronym GITM means get 'em) The Island and the submarine where already on Trump's radar for smuggling kids, drugs, arms and foreign diplomats to come play with the kiddies, while never being seen above the surface.
On August 10 2018 Get 'em! staged a white hat false flag. They staged a Hijacking of a Q400 small passenger airliner out of Sea-Tac airport, which was remotely flown and videoed by two F-15 escorts doing perfect barrel roles and stunt loops before crashing on Ketron Island.
Get this, the name of the Hijacker announced to the MSM was an alleged linesman at the air port with no flight training named Richard B Russell.
The white hats were telling the elite and those of us in the know, it was retaliation time for the attempted assassination of our commander and chief.
What two things are triggered when an airplane is hijacked and crashes on US soil? FAA and FBI investigators show up and by law have full jurisdiction to investigate, no warrant needed, and in this case, the military showed up too.
The lore has it that the F-15's took out the anti-aircraft shots taken from the Island's defense systems which were trying to shoot down the Q400. The F-15's provided cover escort allowing the Q400 to crash on the Island so investigations could be triggered.
There was also a news chopper trying to film the incursion and was shot down by the AAS.
The Island was raided by Feds and Military white hats, while previously on the east coast they had already raided the Vanderbilt side of these cultists, who were connected to all of this , which is where they got the intel on the sub (photos from the Vanderbilt estate show the drained indoor pool where children where ritually tortured and killed made famous by the Podesta brothers sick artwork). That pool was a killing floor where they could easily rinse the blood down the drain. These people are sick.
Any evidence of the news chopper being shot down? I can't find it. Even if reported as a mysterious crash there ought to be some reporting on that.
They scrubbed it, dude. I had a posted a version of this before, someone posted back a confirmation with news video from the day and an entire sub comment section of his own was deleted, gone I can not find it.
Proof may not be found here but the truth is out there.
They would scrub that old story but not this one? (this occurred during Charlottesville "88" event.
I think any information on a news chopper filming two F-15 Raptors taking out anti-aircraft missiles launched from a private Island and getting blown up in the process might be a high priority for the DS to scrub clean.
And besides, we don't even know if there ever was a chopper at all. Locals called law enforcement inquiring about "airborne explosions" (not the crash) and that night multiple news stations announced the mid-air explosion of a news chopper trying to film the fighter chase with the "hijacked" Q400.
Years back, locals in the area posted video grabs of the TV broadcasts (which are now scrubbed, but I have seen them), but those anons who lived there also commented, saying they thought it was a bullshit cover-story to explain why missiles launched from an Island in Puget sound were exploding in mid-air.
Who knows what is true, but that is what was reported and now I can't even find those old news casts.