posted ago by Rubieroo ago by Rubieroo +39 / -0

Dunno how many of you have seen the videos floating around where it is theorized that the sign occurring in the heavens means the Rapture of the Church?

Here's one example of many - you can see the stars lined up at about the 7 minute mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOvTd-IZ6Kc

Now I don't know if they're right, and I don't know if they're wrong (nor does anyone but the Lord) but there IS another possibility. The sign does appear in scripture. But another outcome exists than the conclusion those posting the videos assumed. Temporary end of the Synagogue of Satan? That's the other possibility that occurred to me.

Here's Revelation 12: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=revelation+12&version=KJV

Q: "It will be biblical" Thinking Feast of Trumpets - Rosh Hoshannah just finished (Sept 15-17 IIRC) I think that "sign" is set to occur Sept 19-23? I've been getting texts on the subject from friends watching this, and that's the date they said it would culminate.

And then we have all the "buckel up" "buckle up" references from Trump, Paxton. And the Scavino video "It's about to get crazy, it's about to go down", posted a year ago.

Stealth jet vanishes? Sum of All Fears connection? (Dunno about those crash site claims we heard yesterday. Reminded me a bit of the 9/11 "crash site in the field" claims that didn't gel.)

Payback from Sum of All Fears movie, Nessum Dorma - do you recall when President Trump essentially reenacted that scene while playing this song? You see these corrupt presidents forced to comply (control) in the video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuRBU8UVhDU

Lyrics in English:

Nobody shall sleep!... Nobody shall sleep! Even you, oh Princess, in your cold room, watch the stars, that tremble with love and with hope. But my secret is hidden within me, my name no one shall know... No!...No!... On your mouth, I will tell it when the light shines. And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!... (No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.) Vanish, o night! Set, stars! Set, stars! At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!

Q references to Sum of All Fears https://qalerts.app/?q=fears

There's probably a lot I missed in this since it only just occurred to me when I woke up this morning before I had even one cup of coffee. Feel free to elaborate or correct or add anything that occurs to you on the subject.