The WEF compromised Speaker of Parliament might have taken sole responsibility for bringing the Nazi in, but, oops, this Facebook post from the daughter-in-law of the SS soldier from TWO DAYS AGO says clearly describes waiting in the speaker's office for his meeting with Zelensky and Trudeau!

Could it be that [they] are finally getting around to telling the 'truth' about who the NAZI's really were? There were plenty of [Jews and Roman Catholic's] that were NAZI's (George Soro's for one); Hitler (rumor was Hitler had Jewish Grandfather(X?) ) was Baptized a [Roman Catholic] and was back/supported by the Pope and the Vatican, and after WW2 the [Vatican] help many NAZI's escape Europe. The "Truth" is always stranger than 'fiction'. All roads lead to [Rome] and there [Jewish] backers (Israel after WW2), and now the first [Jesuit Pope] wants to bring together ALL the Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Etc..), hmm, were have I read that before?. Oh that's right, it was in an old ancient [[Book]]...
Well said!!