They are both afflicted with permanent disabilities. One is allergic to all nuts, the other has moderate ADHD. Out of 8 friend families, only two have healthy neurotypical children. The rest all have at least one child that has some neurological disorder, ADHD or autism. I’m so saddened by this. And now we learn the phiser vaxx has DNA in it. This is a nightmare only beginning to unfold. Thankfully we did not get this vaccine but now we have to watch what happens to those who were fooled.
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Darwin awards to everyone. Honestly anyone who vaxxed their kids should be locked up for child abuse/attempted murder/murder, whatever it ends up being.
We knew all we needed to know back then.
Let's not blame the parents, blame the physicians and those pushing this bullshit. Doctors used to promote the benefits of smoking & thalidomide was considered a wonder drug.