Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 26, 2023 - TANKS and money for Ukraine, economic COLLAPSE and BORDER INVASION for America
0:00 DEFIANT Sen. Menendez27:00 Russia1:01:34 911 Phone Call From F-35 Pilot1:07:20 Money For Ukraine1:16:05 Electoral Fraud1:21:07 Rite Aid Pharmacy1:36:23 Interview with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger- Sen. Menendez defiantly reveals his knowledge that the US ...
Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 26, 2023 - TANKS and money for Ukraine, economic COLLAPSE and BORDER INVASION for America
Great post LP as usual. Thanks for sharing, friend. These evil pricks, Parden my French lol need to stop breathing. I am sure you know we are in the "scorched Earth phase". No worries only speaking for myself. I have faith and won't yield.
Thank you, but the credit really belongs to the reporters that have the courage to report the truth. Always happy to share the truth with everyone. They are evil and yes they like always if they lose will scorch everything on their way out. History will show this to be correct. We have God and Jesus and prayers and armed with truth. Hopefully people will remember the power of truth. Truth exposes evil and destroys evil. This is why they are so desperate to destroy truth even to the point the created AI to subvert the truth. Truth has always like God been the enemy of evil. We will keep the prayers going and share the truth.