Question: what’s your take on tomorrow’s scheduled EMS test?
I’m reading there’s something that could happen that will adversely affect the body. WTH?!? Is everyone turning off their phones or riding the wave of bullshit just kike any other day? I’m curious what everyone thinks. It’s actually laughable BUT we are living in CRAZY times. Interested in everyone’s take.
Based on the patents I’ve read on nano tech in the jabs and how it is activated with 5G, I believe something nefarious is afoot. Even without being vaxxed, I’ve watched several videos recently saying the range of frequencies they will be using are dangerous period. I myself am battery depleting all of my mobile device (because supposedly turning them off won’t be enough), putting them in faraday bags, and putting those in the microwave. I’m also unplugging my tv, WiFi and routers to prevent signal from coming in anywhere. Also, don’t be in a car if the radio is hooked up or onstar active or anything like that. They are also pumping signal much longer than what they say. To be safe I’m unplugging from 1-6pm at least. Would be best to be camping out in a national Forest somewhere, well away from any 5G towers. Remember, when covid was first revealed in China, tons of people were dropping dead likes flies. Guess what, those areas all had 5G towers on during that event. People were dropping even without a jab. 5G has dangerous frequency and power wattage abilities.
What happens when you go back live?
Guess I can’t stay off forever. It’s supposedly running at least a couple hours. That’s why I decided to turn back on around 6 pm.