"Israel's 9/11 Moment"?! Did Israel Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP)? RICHARD GAGE, AIA - ARCHITECT OCT 9
In his recent Substack, Robert Morningstar points toward some of the many parallels between 9/11 and the Hamas attack, Sun, Oct 8, 2023 at 8:25 pm.
While most researchers in the 9/11 truth movement agree that the 9/11 false flag operation was a MIHOP (Made It Happen On Purpose), Morningstar suggests that Israel may be complicit here in a LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose).
He reposts on Twitter from Inversionism: “I’m not falling for this charade again. I learned this lesson years ago investigating 9/11.”
And he writes:
How is it possible the presumably omniscient All-Seeing Eye spies of Mossad have missed the massing of weapons and people to mount this assault?
How is it possible that Mossad with all their vaunted, spooky-action-at-a-distance, superpsychic mumbo-jumbo not have felt a tingle, wiggle, an itch or an inkling of what was going on?
Why didn't their super high-tech seismic ground detectors (listening 24/7 for terrorists digging tunnels into Israel) hear the crunch or swooshing sounds of long convoys of trucks hauling 5,000 rockets into position?
Only 2,500 rockets, if you only believe the Israeli estimate.
Rocket batteries for 2500 -- possibly 5000 -- rockets should have been easy to spot with the use of aerial surveillance using even the cheapest of drones.
Furthermore, these rockets were quite modern, not the Katyusha rockets of WW2.
How many modern day versions of such trucks would it take to launch 2500 to 5000 missiles in just ONE DAY?
Where could Hamas have kept hidden (and kept secret) such a vast number of weapons carriers and their supply chains from the prying eyes of Israel's master spies and global assassins? And the real ...
MIBS ???
Were they all asleep or were there other reasons for and causes of their torpor and resulting ignorance of the impending attack? Below are some alternative answers:
I've had the gnawing feeling for weeks that with the Ukraine War failing dismally, and the "global war effort" fizzling just as dismally, the next stage of the US/UN/WEF Great Reset NATO "puppet show" would have to come soon and would have to be a total distraction, one so great that Ukraine will pale by contrast. The Deep State's Mockingbird media had to have a radical shift in perspective to produce a huge distraction to force the shift of attention from the tragedy of Ukraine to another, alternative, locus of focus.
Necessarily, that would have to be in Israel because the End Times script that the self-proclaimed "elite global leaders" have chosen to stage manage as the final battle requires that it occur near the site of Armageddon as predicted by the The Bible and The Book of Revelation.
The global stage managers needed a bloody spectacle to entrance and mesmerize the masses inside the digital global theater where they have semi-permanently captured the public's perceptions, hijacked and locked up public attention in a psychological gulag of immense proportions.
Canada, England and France are the worst examples, Americans still have residual rights of the freedom sof speech, but fewer and fewer rights to broadcast it and spread "The Word."
How was one of the most technologically advanced and genetically modified nations on the planet somehow unable to detect and prevent the various exceedingly crude Hamas attacks like the below?
Did the Iron Dome, a technological marvel in missile defense, somehow suddenly malfunction during this “unprovoked” attack a la Pearl Harbor?
“Hamas” soldiers were able to easily kidnap IDF soldiers, children, and grandmothers alike.
Many of these “terrorists” simply strolled right in, despite what in the past were some of the most heavily patrolled and fortified borders on earth.
After all, Netanyahu did admit that he sacrificed his nation to be Pfizer’s experimental petri dish, or “lab,” so this “leader” clearly manipulates and exposes his people to whatever his One World Government handlers command.
Is it mere coincidence that these latest attacks commemorate almost to the day the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War?
Or perhaps both the Israelis and Palestinians are yet again being used as sacrificial pawns for the latest geopolitical destabilization operation?
And just like the lead up to PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION involved NAZI stay behind networks and a 2014 CIA coup, so too was there an Intelligence Industrial Complex sponsored lead up to PSYOP-ISRAEL-WAR:
Just like North Korea is the perma-boogie man activated to induce mass fear, so too is Iran playing its part as the perennial baddie:
If the sociopaths running the planet are unable to get WW3 out of PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION, then maybe, just maybe they will get their Great Reset thanks to their latest Middle Eastern “wars.”
Because the “leaders” both “elected” and “unelected” want permanent “emergencies” and “wars” for total control of whatever is left of humanity, forever and ever:
Here is a brief history of these manufactured nations, and their purposely carved up and shifting borders to ensure perpetual strife across the geopolitical chess board:
Perhaps the most important point that can be made about this latest Crime Against Humanity is that similar “terrorist” cells have been installed all over American and the EU; they are ready to be activated at a moment’s notice. After all, the majority of illegal invaders, more foreign mercenaries, have been imported via wide open borders by the UN. The majority of said mercenaries are military aged men not merely from South America, but from China, Africa, and the Middle East.
Be vigilant.
Do NOT comply.
The Morningstar Report Newsletter The Raw Reality of The Israel-Iran WAR! How, in God's Name, Could Mossad Miss The Attack? The Raw Reality of The Israel-Iran WAR! How, in God's Name, Could Mossad Miss The Attack? With its vaunted & dreaded superspy agency playing the "All-Seeing Eye" around the planet … How could Mossad NOT Know anything, not a hint, not a whisper, of an attack arriving by land, sea and air, involving 5,000 rocket attacks… Read more 8 hours ago · 2 likes · 2 comments · Robert Morningstar
And this from @wideawake_media:
"I served in the [Israeli Defense Force] Gaza division during the 2014 Gaza war... Listen to me, and listen to me well: There's no way in the world that anyone can approach the border without us knowing about it."
Ms. Efrat Fenigson
And… Gregory Mannarino takes us deeper into the Rabbit Hole in this 23-minute wake-up call revealing who really benefits from this latest manufactured crisis aimed ultimately at Iran:
Keep your eyes open. Connect the dots. We continue to be lied to on a grand scale.
Traitors have infiltrated every nations government.