Anyone who wants to try this take out a piece of paper, clear your mind and write the number 0134 on the top of the page.
0134 is the target I have chosen, and you are going to remote view my target.
Then take your pen or pencil and probe the numbers by touching the pencil to the numbers. Now draw a scribble below the number that represents the target 0134.
Once you probe the number or scribble with your pen or pencil, write down the first simple impression you get. Is it hard? Soft? Wet? Dry?
Write it down. Do it again and write it down, repeat 10 times or so,
Probe the target again and keep adding descriptor attributes.
Repeat and repeat until you feal/see the target.
Post your guess and I will reveal the target in a clever way I could not cheat on.
target experiment, 0134
Anyone who wants to try this take out a piece of paper, clear your mind and write the number 0134 on the top of the page.
0134 is the target I have chosen, and you are going to remote view my target.
Then take your pen or pencil and probe the numbers by touching the pencil to the numbers. Now draw a scribble below the number that represents the target 0134.
Once you probe the number or scribble with your pen or pencil, write down the first simple impression you get. Is it hard? Soft? Wet? Dry?
Write it down. Do it again and write it down, repeat 10 times or so,
Probe the target again and keep adding descriptor attributes.
Repeat and repeat until you feal/see the target.
Post your guess and I will reveal the target in a clever way I could not cheat on.
Without writing anything down I thought water/waves.... but then I wrote it down and traced it and got: key? Hard oily? Small.....
You were all amazingly close.
The answer was waterfall. I posted the answer to a random thread with one word, "waterfall"
From the time stamp you should be able to see I posted the answer before posting target 0134.
Good job people. With no training at all you guys were close to target no imagine what anyone can do with proper training and practice.
Killing goats with mind control is off limits though, that's crossing the line. LOL