This one is simple, yet packs a powerful message. On the left is the iconic image of Uncle Sam pointing back at us as it says:
This is the absolute baseline of control used by the deep state to maintain their power. Throw in fear for good measure, and their playbook is laid bare.
On the right is an image that communicates how silver (the Liberty silver dollar) is not equal to fiat currency (US twenty dollar bill - note the bill features President Andrew Jackson).
Below that is what appears to be a rocker switch - one side is green and the other is red.
It doesn't take an analytical genius to see the message here. Deep state control. Fiat currency. Which would you choose: the green or the red switch?
These are the past secret windows/announcements I'm aware of. There may be some I've missed. Feel free to chime in with any updates, corrections, observations, etc.
It proclaims "The US Debt (Secret Window) Premiers Tonight @ 9pm to 12am est. DON'T TELL ANYONE!"
I'm not certain when this image appeared. Either Sunday 10/01 or Monday 10/02. Interesting that the words are superimposed over a weathered plank. Significant or stylistic? Note the presence of the 'fish coin' on the bottom right of the image. More on that in a bit.
#2 Appeared on or around 10/02/2023 (after #1 above).
It proclaims "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and Overthrew the tables of the Moneychangers"
Text is superimposed over a weathered plank again. The fish coin appears again in the lower right corner.
The background image appears to be taken from an imaginary map of Jerusalem published in 1604.
There is an arch of seven angels and seven lamps which seems quite likely to refer to the Biblical seven nations.
There are the symbols of the alpha (bottom left) and the omega (bottom right) which are often used to refer to Jesus.
And finally there is the fish coin again. I believe it's a Biblical reference to Jesus telling Peter to fish. When Peter does as Jesus requests, he catches a fish with a coin in its mouth. The coin is enough to cover the temple repair taxes for both Jesus and Peter.
Go back and read that whole post for a lot of great input and additional detail from other frens.
This one is powerful! Two quotes (one from 1834 & one from 1850) from Andrew Jackson calling out the evils of 'paper money' and those who created it, along with his intention "to rout you out, and by thr eternal God, I will rout ou out."
He full on identifies congress and corporations for their machinations.
I love this one!
"You are a den of vipers and thieves and I intend to rout you out, and by th eeternal God, I will rout you out. If Congress has the right to issue paper money, it was given them to be used by themselves, and not to be delegated to individuals or corporations"
"Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, and from the multitude of coprporations with exclusive privileges...which are employed for their benefit"
This image is a nifty little graphic illustrating how the Knights Templar might have enticed pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land to participate in the practice of using fiat currency instead of gold, silver, or other tangible assets.
I got a chuckle out of the call out at the end. Fiat currency is, at its core, a ponzi scheme. The cartoon bubbles communicate that quite well.
So I did a quick and dirty Brave search (knights templar fiat currency) just to see what I could see. The most striking thing - to me at least - is the wide shift in perspective on just what the Knights Templar accomplished in terms of banking.
Depending on the source, they were either brilliant financiers who amassed a great fortune while serving the currency needs of travelling pilgrims or they were liars and thieves who amassed that same fortune by swindling the pilgrims out of their precious hard assets.
Here is a quote that pulls no punches in where they fall.
The Knights Templar were a Catholic military order recognised in 1139, and were closely tied to the Crusades. Mark Dice argues that the Knights Templar were responsible for the advent of fiat currency and modern central banking systems, and that they worshipped Baphomet.
I'm not really familiar with Mark Dice, but here's his youtube channel if you'd like to check him out:
I know several frens here have done deep digs on this topic. Love to see your thoughts.
#8 Appeared tonight (Thursday), 10/19/2023 at 6 PM EST
This one is simple, yet packs a powerful message. On the left is the iconic image of Uncle Sam pointing back at us as it says:
This is the absolute baseline of control used by the deep state to maintain their power. Throw in fear for good measure, and their playbook is laid bare.
On the right is an image that communicates how silver (the Liberty silver dollar) is not equal to fiat currency (US twenty dollar bill - note the bill features President Andrew Jackson).
ETA: Here is my post on the Secret Window from the 15th featuring Andrew Jackson (he wasn't a fan of fiat currency):
Below that is what appears to be a rocker switch - one side is green and the other is red.
It doesn't take an analytical genius to see the message here. Deep state control. Fiat currency. Which would you choose: the green or the red switch?
These are the past secret windows/announcements I'm aware of. There may be some I've missed. Feel free to chime in with any updates, corrections, observations, etc.
US Debt Clock site (
After opening (or refreshing) the site, be patient. It's been taking awhile to load.
The secret windows appear on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 PM to 12 AM EST, then they take them down.
#1 Appeared on or around 10/02/2023 (Maybe Sunday, 10/01).
It proclaims "The US Debt (Secret Window) Premiers Tonight @ 9pm to 12am est. DON'T TELL ANYONE!"
I'm not certain when this image appeared. Either Sunday 10/01 or Monday 10/02. Interesting that the words are superimposed over a weathered plank. Significant or stylistic? Note the presence of the 'fish coin' on the bottom right of the image. More on that in a bit.
#2 Appeared on or around 10/02/2023 (after #1 above).
It proclaims "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and Overthrew the tables of the Moneychangers"
Text is superimposed over a weathered plank again. The fish coin appears again in the lower right corner.
#3 Appeared on or around 10/09/2023.
The third image is quite a departure from the previous ones. I did a breakdown of some of the elements of it in another thread ( Here's a quick overview:
The background image appears to be taken from an imaginary map of Jerusalem published in 1604.
There is an arch of seven angels and seven lamps which seems quite likely to refer to the Biblical seven nations.
There are the symbols of the alpha (bottom left) and the omega (bottom right) which are often used to refer to Jesus.
And finally there is the fish coin again. I believe it's a Biblical reference to Jesus telling Peter to fish. When Peter does as Jesus requests, he catches a fish with a coin in its mouth. The coin is enough to cover the temple repair taxes for both Jesus and Peter.
Go back and read that whole post for a lot of great input and additional detail from other frens.
#4 Appeared on or around 10/12/2023.
I did a post about this image here: text
It's an image of a tattered looking bearded man holding a sign that says (paraphrased) "Will work for gold, but I prefer silver."
#5 Appeared sometime on Sunday, 10/14/2023.
It's an announcement of the next Secret Window (tonight - Sunday, October 15th at 6 PM EST).
From there, they are scheduled to post new ones on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 6 PM to 12 AM EST.
#6 - appeared on Sunday, 10/14/2023 at 6 PM EST.
Holy cow!
This one is powerful! Two quotes (one from 1834 & one from 1850) from Andrew Jackson calling out the evils of 'paper money' and those who created it, along with his intention "to rout you out, and by thr eternal God, I will rout ou out."
He full on identifies congress and corporations for their machinations.
I love this one!
"You are a den of vipers and thieves and I intend to rout you out, and by th eeternal God, I will rout you out. If Congress has the right to issue paper money, it was given them to be used by themselves, and not to be delegated to individuals or corporations"
"Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, and from the multitude of coprporations with exclusive privileges...which are employed for their benefit"
#7 - appeared on Tuesday, 10/17/2023 at 6 PM EST.
This image is a nifty little graphic illustrating how the Knights Templar might have enticed pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land to participate in the practice of using fiat currency instead of gold, silver, or other tangible assets.
I got a chuckle out of the call out at the end. Fiat currency is, at its core, a ponzi scheme. The cartoon bubbles communicate that quite well.
So I did a quick and dirty Brave search (knights templar fiat currency) just to see what I could see. The most striking thing - to me at least - is the wide shift in perspective on just what the Knights Templar accomplished in terms of banking.
Depending on the source, they were either brilliant financiers who amassed a great fortune while serving the currency needs of travelling pilgrims or they were liars and thieves who amassed that same fortune by swindling the pilgrims out of their precious hard assets.
Here is a quote that pulls no punches in where they fall.
I'm not really familiar with Mark Dice, but here's his youtube channel if you'd like to check him out:
I know several frens here have done deep digs on this topic. Love to see your thoughts.
This was posted by u/JohhnyMagnum357. Very interesting graph pointing out the dollar to silver ratio:
General questions/observations (in no particular order):
Who owns & runs
How are they gathering the data shown?
Is the data accurate?
What can we learn from the data?
What data should we be tracking most closely?
Note the intimate intertwining of financial data and Biblical references in the images.
I believe it used to be on an actual billboard in NYC too… Manhattan
Wow, I did not know that! Interesting stuff. Thank you for sharing that.