The reason and I know everyone on this board knows why it takes so long is they look at Trump's lead and have to figure out a way to make it up. Sometimes it takes days to find the votes.
Rigging elections is nothing new. They usually at the Presidential level rigged elections by one party running a loser. See Mondale 1984, and the sacking of Senator Gary Hart. Hart actually if nominated would have given Reagan a run for his money.
See 1992. Bush Sr. had to go for all sorts of reasons, so to make sure he was screwed in comes Perot who hated him for his refusal as CIA director to help with POWS. Clinton would have probably won as Sr's approval was below 40% but they had to make sure.
Now comes the modern rigging. See Florida 2000. Bush Jrs brother Jeb made sure he took Florida. Everyone knows that Gore won Florida, as investigation and investigation proved such, but that is not what happened.
What they've done is taken 2000 and made is national.
The reason and I know everyone on this board knows why it takes so long is they look at Trump's lead and have to figure out a way to make it up. Sometimes it takes days to find the votes. Rigging elections is nothing new. They usually at the Presidential level rigged elections by one party running a loser. See Mondale 1984, and the sacking of Senator Gary Hart. Hart actually if nominated would have given Reagan a run for his money. See 1992. Bush Sr. had to go for all sorts of reasons, so to make sure he was screwed in comes Perot who hated him for his refusal as CIA director to help with POWS. Clinton would have probably won as Sr's approval was below 40% but they had to make sure.
Now comes the modern rigging. See Florida 2000. Bush Jrs brother Jeb made sure he took Florida. Everyone knows that Gore won Florida, as investigation and investigation proved such, but that is not what happened.
What they've done is taken 2000 and made is national.
Exactly, and like Pennsylvania was waiting on ballots being shipped from NY. They lost by that much until the NY ballots arrived.