Why in the world is every child born in the us have to get PK tested? The official response is to test for an extremely rare disease. "The PKU test is primarily designed to detect phenylketonuria, a rare genetic disorder in which the body cannot metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine properly. "
This doesnt make ANY sense. Every newborn baby needs to bled in order to test for 1 single extremely rare disease? And in most states, THERE IS NO RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION.
The PK test does test for phenylketonuria, I know that, but why in the world would the government currently killing americans for profit with vaccines care so much about a single super rare disease?
I just don't buy it. I don't trust the government. I don't believe they have innocent pure intentions. I am furious that right now as I speak the government is forcing someone to extract blood from my child or else I get a misdemeanor.
Does anyone else not trust this? Is there any way I can get out of this if there is no religious exemption in my state? I'm so freaking furious right now.
I believe something sinister is going on. The US government doesn't care about people, or at least the people in government who force harm onto people.
For all I know they are collecting DNA from americans to make more harmful vaccines or to make vaccines to target specific demographics harder.
I though we had constitutional rights, but apparently, you get a misdemeanor, which affects your ability to get a job, if you don't give your blood up to the satanists running the government.
Edit: So the person administer the PK test said she used the religious exemption for her kids because she personally thinks they are doing other stuff with the DNA they collect.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but blood cells do not have your DNA. If blood is what they are using for the PK test, I have no clue, don't know a thing about that.
Red blood cells don't have a nucleus. White blood cells do.