93 Half of Buick Dealers Take Buyouts to Avoid Having to Sell GM’s Electric Cars (www.breitbart.com) posted 1 year ago by Mow-Lawn-Lah-Bay 1 year ago by Mow-Lawn-Lah-Bay +93 / -0 Half of Buick Dealers Take Buyouts to Avoid Having to Sell GM Electric Cars Almost half of Buick dealers have opted to take buyouts from General Motors (GM) to avoid having to sell Electric Vehicles. 16 comments share 16 comments share save hide report block hide replies
New cars suck, and they're ugly too.
I love my 40 year old Buick.
And they just keep going.
Had a 92 century and put 300,000 miles on it.
Gave it to my Nephew and he's put close to another 100 k on it.
Same engine but always used full synthetic oil...
A Nissan Murano with the deep blue metallic paint job looks pretty good. I had one a while back (around 5 years ago) that had all the bells and whistles.