posted ago by Katrina241 ago by Katrina241 +205 / -0

...but he is building what appears to be a phenomenal Q map unlike any other I've seen. I'm copy pasting bits of his posts below.

Starts here: https://x.com/Stav_888/status/1739429259075359110


"I came across a 'Mind Mapping Software' which sparked my curiosity.

My initial thought went back to this 'Q Post' and a few of the lines:

"What is a map?" "Why is a map useful?" "When does a map become a guide?" "Map provides picture." "Picture provides 40,00ft. v." "40,000ft. v. is classified." "Why is a map useful?" "Think direction." "Think full picture."

Within a few months, I had developed a system using the software to Map the 'Q Posts' in a way that they could be further analyzed and have attachments and notes added to them."



" I have just recently started a new Map with new systems and techniques, for investigation the 'Q' body-of-work.

Here is a basic overview.

First we start with the 'Q - Post' arranged into 'Years'.

This is the backbone of the chronology of the posts."


This fella continues to build this out in a fashion I have not witnessed before. His research both narrows and enlarges in intimately linked ways.

Check him out please.