130 Apropos of Everything – Republican Speaker Johnson Promises to Keep “Advocating” for Border Security - Conservative Treehouse (theconservativetreehouse.com) 💊 RED PILL 💊 posted 1 year ago by seernewday 1 year ago by seernewday +130 / -0 Apropos of Everything - Republican Speaker Johnson Promises to Keep "Advocating" for Border Security - The Last Refuge In order to believe the Republican politicians support border control, you would simultaneously have to believe that congress couldn’t shut down government until President Biden takes action. You would have to believe the GOP House has no options, no power... 15 comments share 15 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Fuk the border control.
Send them home.
And give them a bill for all the money they took and if they try to come back, they have to pay the bill first.
Bring back the Debtors Prisons and make them work off the debt they owe. They can clean up the highways before we send them back - maybe they will learn how to clean up their own shitholes!