At least 200 traitors. Plus their bosses. And they're either so committed to their treason or to protecting their own asses that they're abandoning their oaths to stay quiet.
And I believe that is just THE FBI assets. That's not the other Fed Depts that helped, Capitol Police, DC Metro cops, and ANTIFA/BLM provocateurs.
Gotta think that's why there were so many people at Capitol way before Trump was finished speaking.
At least 200 traitors. Plus their bosses. And they're either so committed to their treason or to protecting their own asses that they're abandoning their oaths to stay quiet.
We're gonna need a lotta rope...
And I believe that is just THE FBI assets. That's not the other Fed Depts that helped, Capitol Police, DC Metro cops, and ANTIFA/BLM provocateurs. Gotta think that's why there were so many people at Capitol way before Trump was finished speaking.