Daily Mail article with bold headline "Trump says he WANTS economy to crash in next 12 months so that it hurts Biden's election chances"
One of the bullets says - Trump candidly mentioned his hope for a crash in order to harm President Biden and improve his own chances in the upcoming election
This whole article is designed to make Trump look bad. I listened to the whole interview. Trump is just genuinely concerned about current state of economy and very worried it might crash. In that context he said if it crashes, he hopes it would be before he gets elected as he doesn't want to be seen as the president who crashed economy. Listen from 24:30 time stamp to hear this specific context. He no way implied that would hurt Biden's chance of winning or his "desire" for a significant economic downturn. Media scumbags!
If the 'crash' occurs this year and it feels like there isn't so much time left, Biden may be dropped afterwards (or during) so that the Dems can get their 'fresh' person in (probs Michael) who won't shoulder the blame as he wasn't involved in govt :-s In their minds they may be keeping him in situ as long as possible so he is blamed for the problems (and 45 does blame him firmly now too). Another possibility is that the Dems steal the election again, but the populace realize what's happened this time. The media will likely be trapped in a horrible (for them) cognitive dissonance. Biden could refuse to leave the WH in Jan 2025 and the crash could happen during that period of chaotic election court cases between Nov 24 and Jan/Feb 25. It would feel like no-one is running things to a lot of normies and would give more time for this part of the reset/awakening. It would also give more time for the Taiwan 'war'. The downside of that option is that 45 won't benefit in terms of votes from a crash prior the election, but that may have been factored in and not be so relevant. He needs to max out votes for the sake of unity, but when you look at the type of people who even now would still vote for Biden, they seem irrelevant to our future now.