Let's look at our Government. We have extra-Constitutional organizations such as....
A Department of Education that doesn't educate anyone and hinders those who do
An Environmental Protection Agency who continues to change what protection means and hinders everyone who tries to produce
A Congress that abrogates its Constitutional power of the purse and just doles out "block grant" funds with no oversight
A treasury Department that outsources monetary policy and harasses those who work to return to Constitutional money
A Department of Agriculture that doesn't grow anything and hinders those who do
A Department of Labor that does no work and hinders those who do
A Department of Housing and Urban Development that develops nothing and hinders those who do
A department of Health and Human Services that makes people less healthy and hinders those who do
An Internal Revenue Service that produces nothing and confiscates the proceeds of those who do.
A Department of Energy who produces no energy hinders those who do
A Department of Justice and subordinate agencies that .....well, too long to enumerate harassment of Patriots
Is there a problem here?
Well, sure it can Beaver...
we could get rid of more than half of it.......
We are not a Nation of free men and women, it is not government by the people for the people we are the Twenty First Century SLAVES and from the west coast to the east coast from Canada to Mexico one Large Prison system. Prove me wrong